
WITHDRAW Exhibition by NUOUS_

WITHDRAW Exhibition by NUOUS_


NUOUS is a multi-disciplinary collective, with a cumulative approach in transforming the expected ways of working. The collective reaches to elevate outcomes by merging opposites. WITHDRAW is a result of the online and offline Instagram research; VARIOUSCONTENT 2015-2016. This research reects a combination of varying approaches in art, fashion and photography. Putting an emphasis on challenging the interpretation of intimate physical experience vs. mass digital information. The commonality between the artworks is to excite the ability of viewing from a deeper and more personal perspective. This without distractions from the illuminated digital world as we know it. 

The project is exhibited in cooperation with ARTWAVE, KAF and Renee van Zuuk. 

Participants of this collaboration are; Isabella Doelwijt/MAIOHWN, Sharon Jane D, Dennis Bareiro, Floor Hoeke/OwnspaceStudio., Simon Becks & Wies Stortelder. 
